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10 Guideposts for a Faith Filled Life

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

What directs your life? What do you want to stand out when you reflect back?

I’ve spent a bit of time considering that lately and after some reflection, ten big ideas came up.

Sharing them with you here in case anything stands out or inspires you, too.

A faith filled life may not always be easy, but it is always worth it.

10 Guideposts for a Faith Filled Life

1. Be filled by the Spirit to pour out the fruit of the spirit.

  • So much to unpack in that one phrase! I remember hearing that quote in the past couple years and it was powerful. It’s got me considering what I’m doing to be filled up by Him. Maybe it’s worship. Maybe it’s reading His word. Or maybe it’s acting as His hands and feet. How are you being called to be filled up by the Spirit? Related, aren’t you grateful we have the fruit of the Spirit? It’s a beautiful form of measurement. Is what you’re doing producing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control? (Galatians 5:22-23)

2. Love others well.

  • 1 Peter 4:8 says “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." As an introvert, it can sometimes be hard to put myself out there. (Maybe you relate?) Keeping to myself can feel natural and easy- but it’s not healthy to be closed off. Let’s be intentional about caring for others. And, doing it in a way that speaks to them. (Tip: Ask others their love language to better understand what speaks to them- maybe it’s words of affirmation, or maybe it’s quality time!)

3. Take risks for the sake of the gospel.

  • Good, right? I’ve got the question, "Am I willing to take risks for the sake of the gospel?" on a post-it to the left of my desk. I walk to live boldly for Jesus and consider what I’m doing (or not doing) to make that happen.

4. See joy in the little moments.

  • Because this is what life’s all about, right? It’s the journey. I don’t want the little things to pass me by because I’m too consumed with my to-do list or stressed about what isn’t going exactly as I envisioned. You can read all about my one year of daily gratitude practice and takeaways from our 10 days of gratitude challenge but let me tell you… it is a small practice that pays dividends (and if you’re really interested in digging deeper- check out our most popular workshop The Art of Gratitude … now offered virtually!). As Psalm 107:1 says- start each day with a grateful heart.

5. Expect the unexpected.

  • God can and will do more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Are you honoring Him by thinking big? Doing big? Praying big? Our God is more than capable and let’s expect the unexpected. Won’t He do it!

6. Find soul rest with Him.

  • Matthew 11:28-30 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Don’t we all crave that?! I want to commit to more time sitting at His feet. To more rest than stress. To create space to listen and have Him be the first I go to (especially when I’m struggling). 2 Corinthians says that He is our comforter. Let’s surrender to that truth and find comfort in Him.

7. Be directed by truth.

  • Related to the point above, we can sometimes wander through life wishing we had answers or direction… and we do! Let’s commit to not only digging into God’s word but being directed by it. What a gift it is that He has made it available. I want to live life in a way that honors this blessing and I’m betting you do, too.

8. Feed others with His truth.

  • I’ve heard that the best way to learn something is to teach it. I’ve been convicted lately to not only dig more into His truth but to teach His world and how to apply it. Consider what that looks like for you! What biblical truths have been or are especially true for you? How can you share about that and who in your circles needs to hear that encouragement?

9. Be patient, loving, gentle.

  • Related to guidepost #1 above, I feel especially convicted to become more patient, loving, & gentle (and as a mix between an Enneagram 1 & 3, I think these are some qualities that I tend to struggle with and am guessing you might, too!). I’m challenged to remember that we will never reach perfection on this side of heaven as much as we crave it. I desperately need and want God’s grace and because of that, it’s so important for me to give that grace to others, too.

10. Surrender.

  • Isaiah 55:8-9 says that, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” And it’s so true! Surrender can be simple. But simple isn’t always easy. The Lord truly sees the big picture and we do not. He is good & is trustworthy and I look forward to getting more curious about what He wants than what I want (and I hope you do, too!).

So there you have it, sister! Ten guideposts for a faith filled life. I pray that at least one of these spark something big in you.

And if you need support bringing the idea to life, you may want to:

- Grab our complimentary eBook - How to Make Your Vision Board Come to Life this Year (in 7 Simple Steps!)

- Check out the GSCC Fruitful Faith: Women on Mission podcast to dive into our Goal Setting Series (Episodes 2-5 & 8-11!)

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