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Following God in Love {on Obedience}

Writer's picture: Alexandra KavalAlexandra Kaval

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

What does obedience to the Lord mean to you?

I know we touched on obedience earlier this month, and it’s a theme that I wanted to come back to. (Shout-out to Create in Us Art Studio in Mount Holly, NC for hosting an AMAZING class on Bible journaling yesterday, with the theme of obedience. Such a treat and the best way to spend a Sunday night. And thank you for prompting me to firm up this post, and click publish ; )

Ok, so to revisit the question from earlier this month: “How is the Lord asking you to be obedient?”

Obedience for you might mean having faith when an answer is unclear. It may mean taking a step forward, even when it’s scary. (Or, it could be a combination of both!) For me at least, obedience can be hard because I might be stuck deep in old habits. I might be clenching onto something more tightly than I realize and need to let go of it to better love and serve God & others.

Sound familiar at all? What is that ‘thing’ for you? An example, for me, was the nudge to read & study scripture regularly. For a while, it hadn’t been part of my routine (as embarrassing as that is to admit!), and I resisted it for a while.

What little nudge do you hear from the Lord again and again, that you might be shrugging off? You might just want to perk up your ears and listen! (From my own experience, that nudging becomes louder and louder until I respond to it!!)

Ok, so you are tuned into that ‘thing.’ Now, friends, ask yourself this question:

“When I am obedient to {xyz nudge from God}, what growth will that produce?”

For me, that question was the turning point. I realized God kept placing on my heart that I was to know Him and grow in Him more deeply through His word. It sounds so simple but was really a pivotal realization for me. Consider what God wants to produce in you and through you.

Then, you may want to consider answering this: “What is one small step you will take today to honor His 'nudging'?” For me, it looked like walking through a Bible in a year reading plan. I know myself and that I need some structure.

And lastly, “Why is this hard for me?”

I might have wanted to grow through community and through other books (which are still good things!!), but deep down, I know those things are ‘easier’ for me and God wanted me to have a deep understanding of His word and to start there, and let all things flow from that place. What is making obedience hard for you?

Bonus- ask yourself “How can I be supported on this journey?”

Remember how I mentioned that Bible reading plan? Well, God did something really cool with that. He also placed that same desire (to read the Bible in a year) on my husband’s heart at about the same time as mine. So, we embarked on the journey together! It’s been one of my all-time favorite things to do with my husband, and it’s been such a gift seeing His faith flourish from this practice. There is truly nothing like His word. It is such a powerful gift. Ask yourself what support you can enlist for accountability or encouragement!

Remember that what God calls us to, we cannot do on our own. We require His power, His strength. Let Him shine through you. Live in a way where others can’t help but ask what makes you different.

Be obedient, even when it’s hard.

I pray that you stay joyful and obedient throughout whatever spectacular adventure He is calling you on <3


Scripture for Today:

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. (2 John 16:1)

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:28)

Be good to your servant while I live, that I may obey your word. Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. (Psalm 119:17-18)


Grace Space Christian Coaching Questions:

  • How is the Lord asking you to be obedient?

  • When I am obedient to {xyz nudge from God}, what growth will that produce?

  • What is one small step you will take today to honor His 'nudging'?

  • Why is this hard for me?

  • How can I be supported on this journey?


*Want to chat more? Reserve your complimentary clarity call here!*

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