Hey friends- welcome to a new week <3
As you know, Billy Graham recently went home to be with Jesus.
It makes me emotional to think about. So full of joy reflecting on the legacy he left and the countless lives he impacted for eternity. I’m sad that he has left us, but am so delighted that he is with our Savior.
I’ll have to share the full story of the reigniting of my faith soon, but would at least like to share a portion of it today to honor and thank one of God’s faithful servants, Billy Graham.
So almost four years ago, I was in a really tough spot. But from the outside, things were great. I had just moved to a city I loved. I was newly engaged. I had a great job and good friends. Was healthy. Was volunteering in the community. It felt like I was doing everything right, but I was living felt empty. Something was missing, y’all.
I was so, so poor in spirit. My relationship with Jesus wasn’t where it should or could be. I had a deep longing for intimacy with the Lord, and it took me some time to recognize it.
Thankfully, one Saturday afternoon, God prompted me to draw near to Him. I needed Him desperately and am so crazy grateful I followed His whisper. I headed to my car and decided to go visit the Billy Graham Library. I felt hopeful and a little unsure all at the same time.
As I pulled up the driveway, I remembered the sweet-as-pie security guard welcoming me to the library. I’ll never forget when she asked if I was with anyone or was going to meet someone. As I tried to keep a smile on my face and hold back tears, I remember saying, “Nope- it’s just me.” But you know what, you guys? As I write this, I know that is exactly what our Father wanted for me at the time. For it to be just the two of us- me and God. It had been too long since I’d experienced that and needed to feel Him close.
I remember walking through the tour and experiencing great hope and peace being among such kind souls (the staff at the library are just so welcoming), and felt the light of God shine brighter in me.
That afternoon alone at the Billy Graham library helped to reignite my passion for God and His word. I felt His love and presence so profoundly and will be forever grateful for all that has come from that solo visit almost four years ago.
Billy Graham’s love for God and His desire to bring others to Jesus is just spectacular. I will be eternally grateful that through Billy, I was able to reconnect to God when I needed Him desperately.
Thank you God (and thank you Billy Graham!) for reminding me to open my heart to you and experience your presence, goodness, and limitless love.
P.S. You know what else is so cool, y’all? I attended Ember CLT last week (SUCH a gift), the day after Billy Graham’s passing. In the message at Ember, they shared how it is time to build a revival in our hearts and to spread it. Such a sweet reminder of God’s power. He can take our dimly lit flames and help us to burn brightly. Amen!!
P.P.S. Did Billy Graham impact your faith walk, or someone you know?
Scripture for Today:
Dear, dear Corinthians, I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively! (2 Corinthians 6:11-13)
*Want to chat more about igniting your faith? Reserve your clarity call here.*