What if you could make your vision board come to life this year?
I’m here to tell you, it can totally happen.
Let’s work together to breathe life into your God given dreams.
Take a moment with me to consider… what if this year is the year where everything changes?
Think to yourself.. “What if this year is the year when I finally…”
Start the side hustle
Leave my job
Establish a morning routine
Figure out how to use my gifts for God’s glory
Use my gym membership
Read the Bible
Hear God’s voice
Lead a women’s group
Dream BIG
Practice thinking + acting with positivity instead fear + doubt
These are just a handful of the successes that my clients have celebrated.
(You can read all their love notes here!).
Here are my top tips if you want to make your big thing happen this year:
Pause in prayer to begin. Yes. let’s silence our minds and sit in stillness with the Lord.
Give Him:
- the opportunity to stir in your heart
- the chance to rid what’s not serving His kingdom and welcome in what is
- the opportunity for His will to become your own
Brainstorm everything that comes to mind- have fun with it! Anything goes.
Spend 10, 20, or even 30 minutes writing it all out.
Dream big. And consider what God is leading you towards.
Then, bucket into categories.
After many years of goal setting, I’ve recognized that my goals often fall into 5 F’s!
Pro tip: I would recommend having one or two goals per category, max.
Bonus: List out your answer to this question, “How will I know when I’ve met this goal?”
Will you hit a certain target? How will the goal impact your relationship with God or your family?
Define what success means to you.
Yes- I double dare you.
But don’t worry, it won’t be as hard as you think.
Here’s how to do it:
Consider what all your goals have in common.
Then, write a word that ties them all together.
(Check out the book the One Word that Will Change Your Life to help you out.)
This is your theme word for the year.
As things come up, consider… do they align with that word? It’s kind of a filter test for you, if you will.
Make it pretty! Write these goals on a gorgeous piece of stationery, jazz up an index card, use Canva, or a picture collage app and have fun with it! Then, leave this somewhere that you’ll see it every day.
Challenge yourself to see it as much as your reflection in the mirror.
Pro tip: After your morning devotional time, look at this visual!
You’ll want to be so familiar with these goals that they’re ingrained in your memory.
Plus, it’s the most energizing way to start your day.
Bonus: Consider making this your cell phone and/or computer background.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - Antoine de saint-Exupery
And a big part of creating the plan is creating the timeline.
This step is so worth it. Yes, it’ll take some time but it’s critical if you want to see these goals come to life.
Create a timeline. Are some of these goals accomplished in a few months? Or do they need to be built into your week? Create a structure and then put it on your calendar.
Confession time... I used to use a paper planner for years. I’m talking consistently for probably 18 years.
I just this year switched to using Google Calendar.
And I love it. I used to get so distracted by messy writing & having to move around commitments (when I started to prioritize what I needed to do… which is a game changer!)
The virtual calendar is so much cleaner.
If making the switch seems unbearable, keep everything on Google Calendar, then write your list out for the day.
This is probably great anyway, since if you’re anything like me, you might get distracted when opening up your calendar and want to look ahead ; )
Yes- this can be super uncomfortable but also so critical!
Share this list with someone you love and trust. Then, ask them to hold you accountable to it.
Bonus: Schedule time to review this together now (pray about what cadence this looks like for you… daily, weekly, monthly?).
Having this extra support is like rocket fuel.
And if they’re interested, be a gift to them and offer to check-in on their goals & provide encouragement and accountability to them, too!
This is a great way to boost + strengthen a friendship as well <3
Yes, celebrate!
Think of something GOOD that will motivate you when things get tough. What is it that you would love to see at the finish line?
Figure out what it is that you will do to celebrate you accomplishing your goal.
And then do that thing!!!
I am so excited for you to put these in action!
Can’t wait to see how you breathe life into these goals and impact your relationship with God + those around you in the process.
It is going to be good.
Quick pause.
Are you feeling unsure that you can tackle it all?
Have these goals been on your list in previous years and you’ve just not made traction?
Girl- I applaud you for getting honest with yourself.
It’s okay not to be able to do it all. We must lean into God and the wisdom of others.
Christian coaching is an awesome tool to do just that.
What can you expect?
You will...
Break through your biggest barriers
Set goals that you are crazy excited about
See Jesus show up in the process like never before
Stay accountable (no more creating the idea and then putting it away in a folder for months on end.)
Take action. You’ll create a strategy that matches who God created you to be
You’ll feel met right where you are. Grace Space Christian Coaching exists to provide a judgment free zone where you can lay out your challenges and make sense of it all
You will experience the Holy Spirit in a profound way
You’ll receive prayers that fuel you forward
Let this year be the year that everything changes.
Let this year be the year that you open your eyes + heart to God’s will.
Let this year be the year where you live like the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. Because it is.
Ready to get started?
1) I'd love to invite you to join the GSCC email family for the latest updates & member only specials! Plus, you'll receive an exclusive eBook 'How to Make Your Vision Board Come to Life (in 7 Simple Steps) that'll outline everything in this blog post in a gorgeous PDF!
Let this be the year where everything changes.
2) **Reserve your complimentary clarity call.**
Over about 30 minutes, we’ll talk about where you’re feeling nudged to make a change.
With God, we’ll dream about what can be.
You’ll leave feeling focused & motivated for what’s next.
You’ll learn what it’d be like to have your very own Christian life coach and will get a taste of what that would be like.
Can’t wait to meet you, sweet sister.
With love,