Ok so you know those friends in life who seem to be so good at everything? Lauren is one of those people : )
We met our freshman year at Villanova as we lived on the same hallway. We were placed on an all girls floor for Honor students (total nerds!).
But as mentioned, Lauren isn't one of those people you can easily put in a box. She really excels in everything she does. Like I'm talking she was an engineer turned sustainable stylist. I mean, how cool is that?! And in addition to that, Lauren also had a stint as a food blogger, making her way through Philadelphia's best restaurants. I absolutely have loved following along on her adventures and dedication to making life fun.
Fast forward several years and our mutual friend Colleen was in Miami on her bachelorette when she ran into Lauren walking through town! Lauren & her husband were spending a month or so down south, just because (again, #goals!!). Lauren & I got to reconnecting and and a few weeks later, she asked on Facebook if anyone was interested in being styled for her blog.
Because I love & respect her, I immediately said yes. Plus, I believe that as much as we think we can keep certain areas of life distinct, that's just not how it works. Everything is more connected than we think. And so no, I'm not typically chatting about fashion over here, but that doesn't mean I don't think there's a place for it! Our mind, bodies, physical spaces, all of it... are so connected. They all play together.
And related to that... God has been stirring up quite the analogy between attire and coaching y'all. There is SO much more to come on this, but think about it... what is it that you've been holding onto for too long (in your closet and in life)? What is no longer serving you but you can't seem to let go of? What is your signature style (or way of living) that you'd like to consistently be aware of and aligned to? What pieces are missing (from your wardrobe and life)? What do you need more of? So many fun connections here!!
All that to say, if you are anything like me and have been feeling like you'd love to uplevel your style... you're going to love my Style File that Lauren put together. Have so much fun checking it out!!
P.S. While you're here, I'd love to invite you to join the GSCC email family for the latest updates & member only specials! Plus, you'll receive a free gift when you join us:) You'll get an exclusive eBook 'How to Make Your Vision Board Come to Life (in 7 Simple Steps)!
Let this be the year where everything changes.